Glimpse . 2010

1. natural light
2. interior light
3. mixed interior and black light
4. blacklight alone
5. glowing endlessly in the dark

24x30 inches/61x76 cm

Have you ever looked a little too close at the sun? Not enough to burn your eyes out, but enough that the glare of light momentarily blinds you, washes out all color around you and leaves a temporary haze upon anything you see for a bit afterwards? So far away... so strong. Deadly, even. It takes a bit of work to restore color and sanity back to your life.

There are crushed sea shells in this painting, and beach sand. I spent many hours, many days on the glowing segments. It will glow all night, maybe for weeks. It glows in the evening before darkness falls. It glows in the shade. I'm not really sure that it ever stops glowing. At certain moments, it seems like it's glowing in broad daylight.

Glimpse will be available for viewing and purchase at The Happening Gallery starting tomorrow, July 2nd through the 27th. You may also view it in person at the Venice Vibe Art Show on Saturday, July 17th. I'll be there, and I'd love if you stopped by!

The Happening Gallery is located at:
4047 Lincoln Blvd
Marina del Rey, CA 90292

They're open at noon everyday. Closed on Mondays.