It's almost here! My twenty-five 5x5 inch paintings are officially signed and done. Tomorrow evening I head over to The Rebel Unit gallery and hang each one so that all 25 pieces take up a 5x5 foot space on the wall.
There should be something for everyone at this show. Like purple? Got ya covered. Yellow? One of my favorite ones is yellow. By painting a rainbow gradient, I've pretty much got every color you could want!
Of course they glow in the dark. :o) I'll post a picture of that tomorrow.
They also bring art into your life and you'll get to watch how they change and morph with the sunlight all year long! Plus, each one will give you a profound sense of peace and well-being. Uh... Yeah.
Art, sunlight, profound peace, and a sense of well-being for just $50?! Truly.
Saturday, September 18th, from 7-10pm at:
The Rebel Unit
727 North Poinsettia Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
I'll see you there, right?