Night Sky Color Study - 2011

New Color Study!!

Head over to my Etsy shop for details and purchasing options.

Actually it's my first, and only, original 5x5 inch original painting since September 2010. I don't have any more planned right now, although I am finishing up two really amazing sets of four 5x5s which will be available next week. No more individual ones for awhile, however.

I started all these many moons ago, and had a bit of time here and there in the last month to finish them up. I've been working like crazy lately. Basically I have 8 different paintings (not including those 2 sets I mentioned) in various stages of progress going right now.

I've been taking advantage of the cement floors we've been living with for a month and a half and attempting to get 4 months work done in half the time. I guess the massive irritation of having a hot water pipe burst downstairs and flood everything has been a blessing in disguise. Sort of. That's what I'm telling myself anyway.

As I'm busy with commissions for the foreseeable future, I won't have too much available in the way of Originals for a bit. Hopefully I'll be starting a new collection in a few months. In the meantime, I also have 23 prints available in my shop in two different sizes.

More Japan soon. :) There was also a mini-weekend trip to Temecula wine-country thrown in there. Hooray travel and photography. :)